I research. I design. I bring the human and the product together.

Design beginnings

My background in computer science has provided me with a surface level understanding of design and how computers and humans interact but unfortunately, the design process and how it compliments code was not emphasised as much.
I felt curious about how to make code more human and found myself interested in design. Eventually I enrolled into General Assembly's UXDI course and the rest is history...

What have I been up to

I'm currently working as a UX Researcher with Seera group. My previous experiences include working as a product designer for a start up called Sabbar.

Through these experiences, I helped design multiple solutions and have put my analytical, research and design skills to the test.

I can't wait to take on more interesting projects in the future.

What I'm curious about

I'm a curious cat. I'm curious about everything that I haven't tried yet. For now, I'm curious about what makes people tick and what makes them happy.

I'm also curious about how to make design and content more engaging and accessible.

I can't wait to learn more!

Product Design 🎁

Working as a product designer has given me the ability and enhanced my skills when it came to feature creation, problem solving, analysis and UX/UI design. It also taught me how to collaborate with developers and other designers on the team.

UX and Research πŸ”¬

Working as a UX Researcher has given me the ability to analyse human behaviour, conduct various research methods, time management and organisational skills (these are more important than what people think πŸ‘€)

Knowledge Sharing πŸ“‹

My love for knowledge sharing is not contained to office desks. Conducting training and knowledge sharing sessions has made me level up my speaking, training and communication skills.